“By” puede funcionar como preposición o adverbio. A continuación analizamos su uso como preposición.
1.- Preposición de lugar:
1.1.- Al lado de, junto a
The little girl sat in the garden by her mother
In the religious ceremony my son was standing by me
The supermarket is by the church
Yesterday night we had a lovely time talking by the fireside
We spent two weeks by the lake
I left my glasses by the window
When I drive I always have a bottle of water by me (tener algo a mano: seguido de un pronombre personal)
“By” vs “Near”
La preposición “By” implica mayor cercanía que “Near”:
She has bought a cottage by the sea
She has bought a cottage near the sea
En el primer ejemplo se entiende que la cabaña está junto al mar (desde la cabaña se puede ver el mar); mientras que en el segundo, está cerca del mar pero no necesariamente junto al mar (puede que esté a algunos kilómetros de distancia).
“By” vs “Beside” / “Next to”
Las preposiciones “Beside” / “Next to” indican “justo al lado” (side by side), implican mayor cercanía que “By”, además implican posición: lado por lado. Por ejemplo, para indicar que en una calle una casa está junto a otra, en el mismo lado de la acera, se utilizaría “Beside” / “Next to”.
La preposición “By” implica en el área cercana; puede ser al lado, enfrente, detrás...
The dog is beside / next to me (justo a mi lado)
The dog is by me (cerca de mí: puede ser al lado mía, detrás mía o delante mía)
1.2.- Por (ruta, camino)
I went to London by Eurotunnel
The thief entered in my house by the broken window
The light comes into the temple by the window
1.3.- Pasar por delante de
To go to the school we have to pass by your house
That dog walked by me barking
We drove by many campings before we found the one where we stay
2.- Preposición de tiempo
2.1.- Durante
I love running by night (= at night)
La expresión “by night” se suele utilizar cuando se describe una actividad que no es habitual realizarla en ese momento (normalmente se corre de día). Muchas veces en la misma oración se utiliza “by day xxxx and by night xxxx” para describir dos acciones diferentes y un tanto contradictorias que se realizan en esos dos momentos.
I work in a bank by day and I am a DJ by night
Estas expresiones se podrían sustituir por “at day” / “at night” que tienen el mismo significado y no tienen el matiz de actividades “atípicas” o diferentes.
2.2.- No más tarde
I have to finish this essay by Friday (no más tarde del viernes)
We must be in the office by 4 o’clock
In this hotel we have to leave the room by 11.30 a.m.
3.- Otros significados
3.1.- Por (unidad de medida utilizada)
In that job workers are paid by the hour (son pagados por horas)
This year my incomes has fallen by a third
Last year the inflation in Argentina went up by 15%
3.2.- Por (indica la persona / cosas que realiza una acción; oraciones pasivas)
The injured was helped by the pedestrians
This letter was written by Paul
The terrorist was captured by the police
The window was broken by the boy
We were frightened by the noise
The last Football World Cup was won by the German team
The vase was done by the potter
3.3.- Por (indica la causa, el motivo)
My brother found his wallet by chance
I called the police by mistake
3.4.- Por (vehículo de transporte utilizado)
Cuando hablamos del tipo de medio de transporte empleado:
We went to the stadium by cab
I travelled across Europe by bus
We went to America by plane
Cuando hablamos del tipo de medio de transporte empleado utilizamos la preposición “by”
I went by train / by car / by plane / by foot… (Fui en tren / en coche / en avión / andando…)
Cuando hablamos de un vehículo concreto entonces se utiliza la preposición “in / on” (dependiendo del tipo de transporte)
IN: cuando vamos sentado
I went in a car / in a taxi / in a truck / in a helicopter…
ON: cuando nos podemos levantar y movernos
I went on a ship / on a plane / on a train…
Atención: I was in a ship (no hago referencia al medio de transporte utilizado sino al lugar donde me encontraba)
ON: Cuando vamos sentado o de pie en la parte de arriba del vehículo
I went on a bicycle / on a motorcycle / on a surfboard / on skis / on a skateboard / on foot…
Veamos algunos ejemplos:
I went to London by plane; I flew on a very old plane
We went to the theatre by car, in my brother’s car
Edward went to America by sea; he went on a luxury cruise
3.5.- Por (medio físico por el que nos trasladamos)
Cuando hablamos del medio físico: by land (by road / by rail…) / by sea / by water / by air
We went to Greece by sea
From Manchester to London is better to go by the highway
The French students came to Seville by air
3.6.- Por (método utilizado para realizar una acción)
That embroidery has been made by hand
In this restaurant I couldn’t pay by credit card so I had to pay by cheque
The police grabbed the thief by the arm
He escaped the flames by jumping through the window
3.7.- Según
We must be quite near the river by this map
By law, smoking is not permitted in certain places
In the hall of residence it is necessary to live by the rules
3.8.- Por (multiplicaciones, divisiones)
How much is 35 divided by 5?
And 12 multiplied by 3?
3.9.- Solo, sin ayuda (seguido de un pronombre reflexivo)
I repaired the car by myself
Peter build the little doghouse by himself