The Queens English. Lead-In / Listening / English Devices





A. Can you identify where these flags come from?

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B. Listening - Different Types of English

Can you find examples of these different types of English from the paragraphs below?

American / Cockney / Australian

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English Devices



A. Can you match each of the following English devices with its example?

  1. gobbledygook (An English term used to describe nonsensical language, sound that resembles language but has no meaning)
  2. nursery rhyme (A tale in rhymed verse for children)
  3. tongue twister (A phrase in any language that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly)
  4. Limerick (A five line poem. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme (aaa - above) and so do the third and fourth)
  5. riddle (A riddle is a puzzle, consisting of text with a question to answer)
  6. anagram (A word that is spelled with the exact same letters as another word)
  7. pangram (A piece of text which uses every letter of the alphabet)
  8. palindrome (A sequence that reads the same in either direction)



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