Writing - Answering Interview Questions

Answering Interiew Questions

Write the answers to the following interview questions including the vocabulary given in brown in your answer.

1. Why are you leaving your present job? (Or, why did you leave your last job?)

Firstly...... / in the long term...... / besides......


2. What is important to you in a company? What things do you look for in an organization?

From my point of view...... / it is extremely important that.......


3. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses as workers. What are your strong points for this job?

As far as I know...... / having said that......... / what's more.........


4. What is your long-term employment or career objective? What is your professional goal?

My one ambition is to...... / to aim high.....


5. What has been the highest-pressure situation you have been under in recent years? How did you cope with it?

At first ........ / to face up to the situation........


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