Life in Britain

1.- Introduction

In today’s lesson we are going to talk about life in Britain. We are also going to look at the present simple tense.

We are going to focus on the following aspects of life in Britain.

  • Homes
  • Daily Life
  • Shops
  • Restaurants



2.- Speaking Task

A. What do you know about the above? Here are a few questions:

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1)What are British houses/ flats like?
2)What time do people start work?
3)What time do people finish work?
4)What do people eat for luch?
5)When are shops open?
6)What types of restaurants are popular?
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Answer the questions out loud.


3.- Pre- Listening

A. Look at the following statements. Do you think they are true or false? Why?

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1) All British people live in houses.
2)Most British people start work at nine o´clock
3) Lunch is a big meal.
4) Shops close at 8 o´clock every day.
5) Indian restaurants are very popular.
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4.- Listening

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido

Listen to check your answers.

B. Look at the audio script and underline the answers to the above statements.

Life in Britain



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  • The majority = la mayoría
  • Most = la mayoría
  • Meal = comida

5.- Focus on Pronunciation & Intonation

A. Play the listening and practice saying the text with the correct pronunciation and intonation. 


6.- Focus on Grammar – Present Simple

A. Underline all of the verbs in the text. 

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7.- Focus on Form

We are going to look at the form of the Present Simple with regular verbs.

A. Fill in the gaps.

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Focus on form

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Remember this is the present simple!

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1)We work at half past six and finish at two o´clock in the afternoon. (start)
2)The canteen at five thirty every morning. (open)
3)Julia usually breakfast in the canteen. (eat)
4)In London many people in flats because houses are very expensive. (live)
5)My favourite restaurant at midnight. (close)
6)Many children to school when they are five years old. (go)
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Irregular Verbs

We are going to look at 4 common irregular verbs. Learn them!

irregular verbs


C. Fill in the gaps with the correct irregular verb and form.

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1)She two sisters and one brother.
2)They to bed at eleven o´clock.
3)You a teacher at a school.
4)He his homework after school.
5)We a cat and a dog.
6)I at home every day at six o´clock.
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8.- When do we use the Present Simple?

Look at the following sentences.

  • Every day I go work at half past eight.
  • She is happy today.
  • Every Saturday he plays football.


A. We use the present simple to talk about:

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9.- Speaking Time

It’s time to talk about life in your country.

Fill in the gaps to the following sentences. 

  1. Most people _____________(live) in flats.
  2. Most people _____________(go) home for lunch.
  3. Most people _____________(have) a big meal in the evening.
  4. Most shops _____________(open) on Sundays.
  5. Restaurants _____________ (close) at eleven in the evening.


You have three minutes to talk about life in your country! You should talk about:

  • Homes
  • Daily Life
  • Shops
  • Restaurants

Listen to your teacher talk about life in Madrid.

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