Exercise: The Past Simple: Irregular verbs (affirmative sentences)

Complete the following, with the verbs from the boxes. 


teach shut hit hear bring


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1)In the medieval towns the citizens the city gates every night.
2)The volcano on Krakatoa erupted on August 27,1883; people the noise hundreds of miles away.
3)In the 16th century the Spanish tons of gold from America to Europe.
4)Kublai Khan towns the citizens the city gates every night.
5)At the Battle of Hastings in 1066 an arrow Harold, the English King, in the eye.
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cut mean sleep tell feel


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1)When the emperor turned his thumb down in the Roman Coliseum, it 'death to the gladiator'
2)According to the famous story, Rip van Winkle for 100 years.
3)Alexander the Great the Gordian knot with his sword.
4)When Cortés arrived in Mexico in 1519 his man to burn their boats.
5)King Henry II very unhappy after the murder of Thomas à Becket in Canterbury Cathedral.
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