

Puede realizar funciones de preposición, adverbio, adjetivo y nombre. Vamos a ver a continuación sus diferentes usos como preposición.

1.- Preposición de lugar:

1.1.- Movimiento: Por delante de

The car drove past the petrol station

The old man walked past the stadium

The student walked past several colleges until he arrived at his hall of residence

The cat ran past me chasing the mouse

Peter went past me on his new bike

If you go past the post office, could you please send this letter?


The dog runs past me looking for the ball


1.2.- Posición: Más allá de

The Museum is past the park

I work in the offices past the school

You will find the bookshop past the corner

Turn right 200 meters past the theatre and you will find your hotel

I lived on Mansel Road, just past the McDonald


2.- Preposición de tiempo: después de, más tarde de

It’s quarter past three (es un cuarto de hora más tardes de las tres)

The meeting is due to finish at 10 past two

It’s past lunchtime

My mother is past 60

It was past midday when we arrived at the hotel

Yesterday I was in the office past midnight

My boss is past retirement age but he is still on active duty

This yoghourt is past its expiration date


We saw the sunrise at half past seven


3.- Otros significados

3.1.- Genérico: más allá de

What you say is past belief (increíble)

The inflation rate in that country is past 10 percent

I was so tired that I couldn’t read past the second page

This couple is past the point of reconciling

This shop has daily sales past the 10.000 euros

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