
“Against” puede funcionar como preposición o adverbio. A continuación analizamos su uso como preposición.


1.- Contra algo (apoyado sobre algo, presionando sobre algo, golpeando, rozando)

I lost control of my car and smashed against a tree

My father knocked his shoulder against a bar

My daughter fell against the fence

The path was so narrow that I brushed against the plants as I passed by

Put the bed against the wall

The policeman leaned the ladder against the tree to rescue the cat


He placed the cycle against the tree


2.- En la dirección contraria a un movimiento / una corriente

I got very tired swimming against the current

The sailing ship couldn’t move forward sailing against the wind




3.- En oposición, en contra o en desacuerdo con algo

My team won the match against an inferior opponent

The Prime Minister is pushing for elections against the opinion of his cabinet

The public opinion is against the war


4.- En contraste

The hut looks so small against the trees behind it

The polar bear is almost invisible against the snow


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