Paper 5 (Speaking) Part 1

Lesson 22 – Paper 5 (Speaking) – Part 1

Overview of Paper 5


The speaking test lasts approximately 14 minutes and there are four parts:

·         Part 1 (3 minutes)

·         Part 2 (4 minutes)

·         Part 3 (3 minutes)

·         Part 4 (4 minutes)


You take the test with another candidate who is known as your partner. There are two examiners in the room. One will speak to you and your partner and the other will listen. At the end of the test, both examiners will award marks. 


This lesson and lessons 23, 24 and 25 will provide practice for the four parts of FCE Paper 5. 


Part 1

In Part 1 the examiner will ask you and your partner questions about yourselves. You may be asked about the following topics:

  • Ø Your home town
  • Ø Your family
  • Ø Studying English
  • Ø Holidays
  • Ø Leisure
  • Ø Sport
  • Ø Transport
  • Ø Your career plans


A.     Think of two questions that the examiner might ask you for each topic.

Your home town

1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________


Your family

1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________


Studying English

1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________



1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________



1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________



1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________



1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________


Your career plans

1.      _________________________________

2.      _________________________________



Here is a list of possible questions for the first four topics.  

B.      Put each question into the correct category. 


Your home town

Your family

Studying English













  • Describe your relationship with your family. 
  • Do you have much contact with your cousins?
  • How long have you been learning English?
  • How long have you lived in your home town?
  • How useful do you think English is?
  • What are the good and bad points about living where you live?
  • What do you enjoy doing when you are on holiday?
  • What do you most enjoy doing with your family?
  • Where did you go on holiday last year?
  • Where do you plan to go for your holiday next year?
  • Would you like to live in a different place?


Look at each question and think about how you would answer each one. 


Advice (Video 22.1)

C.      Listen to your teacher give you some advice about what you should and shouldn’t do during the speaking exam. Complete the notes.



Ask the examiner to (1)____________________ if you are unsure what they said.  

(2)____________________ before you respond to the examiner.

Answer each question with a (3)____________________. 

(4)____________________  as much information as possible. 



Don’t (5)____________________  your response. 

Don’t respond if you are unsure of (6)____________________ has asked you. 

Don’t respond (7)____________________ if you have misunderstood the question.

Don’t (8)____________________!



(Recording 22.1)

D.     Listen to the examiner ask you a number of questions. Respond with your own answers.  


Here is a list of possible questions for the remaining topics.   

E.      Put each question into the correct category. 





Your career












  • Do you currently have a job?
  • Do you play any sports?
  • Do you prefer to watch films at home or at the cinema?
  • Why type of public transport do you use most often?
  • Do you prefer to watch sports on TV or watch them live?
  • How did you get here today?
  • How often do you go to the cinema?
  • What do you like doing in your free time?
  • What is your favourite mode of transport?
  • What job would you like to do in the future?
  • Which sports do you find boring and which sports do you find interesting?
  • Would you prefer to have a job with lots of international travel or a job without any travel?


Look at each question and think about how you would answer each one. 



(Recording 22.2)

F.       Listen to the examiner ask you a number of questions. Respond with your own answers.  



Error correction

G.     Look at the following response to some of the questions above. Correct the mistakes.


1.      I have one brother and two sister.

2.      My sister’s name is Laura. He is 12 years old.

3.      I lived in my home town ten years.

4.      With my family I enjoy travel.

5.      Yes, I have job. I’m waiter.

6.      In free time, I go cinema.

7.      I prefer to have a job with lots of travel because travel is fun.

8.      I go to the cinema once week. 

9.      Today I go by bus to the exam.

10. In the future, I would like to be astronaut. 




A. Own answers


Your home town

Your family

Studying English


How long have you lived in your home town?


What are the good and bad points about living where you live?


What do you most enjoy doing with your family?


Would you like to live in a different place?


Describe your relationship with your family. 


Do you have much contact with your cousins?


What do you most enjoy doing with your family?


How long have you been learning English?


How useful do you think English is?


What do you enjoy doing when you are on holiday?


Where did you go on holiday last year?


Where do you plan to go for your holiday next year?




1.      Repeat a question

2.      Think about your answer

3.      Complete sentence

4.      Try to give

5.      Rush

6.      What the examiner

7.      With a different answer

8.      Get nervous


Audio script (Video 22.1)


Ask the examiner to repeat a question if you are unsure what they said.  

Think about your answer before you respond to the examiner.

Answer each question with a complete sentence. 

Try to give as much information as possible. 



Don’t rush your response. 

Don’t respond if you are unsure of what the examiner has asked you. 

Don’t respond with a different answer if you have misunderstood the question.

Don’t get nervous!



Audio (Recording 22.1)

Here are the questions that the examiner asks.

How long have you been learning English?

How useful do you think English is?

Where do you live?

What are the good and bad points about living where you live?

What do you enjoy doing when you are on holiday?

Where did you go on holiday last year?






Your career

What do you like doing in your free time?


How often do you go to the cinema?


Do you prefer to watch films at home or at the cinema?


Do you play any sports?


Which sports do you find boring and which sports do you find interesting?


Do you prefer to watch sports on TV or watch them live?



What is your favourite mode of transport?


Why type of public transport do you use most often?


How did you get here today?


Do you currently have a job?


What job would you like to do in the future?


Would you prefer to have a job with lots of international travel or a job without any travel?


F.   Audio script 22.2

Here are the questions that the examiner asks.

What is your favourite mode of transport?

What type of public transport do you use most often?

How often do you go to the cinema?

What do you like doing in your free time?

What job would you like to do in the future?

Would you prefer to have a job with lots of international travel or a job without any travel?



1.      I have one brother and two sisters.

2.      My sister’s name is Laura. She is 12 years old.

3.      I have lived in my home town ten years.

4.      With my family I enjoy travelling.

5.      Yes, I have a job. I’m a waiter.

6.      In my free time, I go to the cinema.

7.      I would prefer to have a job with lots of travel because travelling is fun.

8.      I go to the cinema once a week. 

9.      Today I went by bus to the exam.

10. In the future, I would like to be an astronaut. 


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