Paper 1 (Reading Exam)

1 hour

Part 1

You are going to read an extract from a magazine article. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.



People tend to give lots of advice to students transitioning from university, school or college into the working world. But, little support is offered to those looking to take the next step. In this article, we consider the move to a second job. We’re not aiming this article at those changing because they are fed up or bored, or those that like to change from one job to another, but at those who are looking to progress up the career ladder.

The job you choose, all depends on your answers to the following questions:

· What are your long-term goals?

· Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

· Do you see yourself with lots of responsibility?

· Do you want a proper career in the field you are currently working in?

You should answer each of these questions carefully because you should aim to stay in your second job for at least two or three years.

At this stage in your career, you need to think meticulously about your future. You will be applying for jobs where there are dozens, maybe even hundreds of applicants. Therefore, your CV and your covering letter need to be written with great attention to detail. You need to think about how you can provide evidence that you have the experience and skills the job demands. If, at this stage you have itchy feet and are interested in travelling the world, now is the best time to go. You (Line 19) can always return after six months or a year and take up where you left off.

James Davies spent his first year after university working for a computer programming company. Although he was earning above the national average, he knew that the position was a little serious for where he was in his life. He knew that if he gave up, went away for a year and then came back, he would easily find work. So, that’s what he did. One day, he handed in his notice and booked an open flight to Australia. He spent nine months exploring countries he had dreamt of visiting.

James now works for a multi-national company as a senior product manager. “Part of my job involves travelling to the US. I go once every two months to either New York, Chicago or Las Vegas. I love travelling and so when I saw this job advertised, I knew it would be the right job for me. I’ve been here for three years now and I love it. I had worked in an office environment before, but this time it was different. The people are great. The company is so international that I work with people from all over the world. I get to travel for free which is a great bonus. Often, if I’m sent to New York for the week, I stay for the weekend and work are happy to pay for this”.

When comparing his current job to the one he had previously, he claims that “ Not only have I expanded as a person, as I now know how to deal with people in a variety of situations, but also I feel there are great future prospects here”.

James explains the process he went through to get the job and he claims that “the (Line 37) application process was tough. It taught me that if you are serious about a job, you need to take your time and think carefully about each stage, each question and each answer. If you don’t have the right skills, don’t apply. Look for a different job. It’s not worth trying to pretend you fit the job as you’ll always be found out”.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
  1. Who is intended to benefit from the advice given in the article?
  2. According to the writer, why is the choice of your second job important?
  3. If you have a desire to travel, when does the writer suggest that you do it?
  4. What is meant by "take up where you left off" in line 18?
  5. How did James Davies benefit from the experience of his first job?
  6. In what way is James’s current job better than his first job?
  7. What does ‘it’ in line 37 refer to?
  8. If you want to apply for a second job, what advice does James give?
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Part 2

You are going to read a newspaper article about fashion. Eight sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Why fast fashion is harming the world

In a generation where people need everything urgently, the fashion world is evolving to meet fresh demands. Global retailers are finding themselves under continual pressure from their customers. Pressure to ensure that clothes shown at fashion shows worldwide are found in shops in less than three weeks. This ‘fast fashion’, as it is known, means that new garments are now arriving in big-brand retailers weekly. (0) _______________ Nevertheless, are customers aware of the drawbacks of such frivolity?


With ‘fast fashion’ causing increasing amounts of competition in the fashion retail business, suppliers are being squeezed. (9) _______________. This inevitably means that factory workers are required to work longer hours for the same wage. They dare not comment on the appalling situation, for fear of being fired. All this to guarantee that developed countries get their cheap, ‘must have’ garments NOW. Evidently these ruthless buying practices focus only on the company’s profit and ignore the welfare of those at the bottom of the chain. However, if the demand exists, there’ll always be the supply.


People rarely stop to think about the environmental impact of these millions of additional garments. It is evident that the cotton trade will be unable to keep up with the current demand. (10) _______________. Additionally, changing weather conditions are affecting the countries where cotton is grown and harvests are diminishing.


With the cotton trade aside, we must also think about the quantity of extra waste being created. Despite the fact that landfill sites have increased in in recent years, they are filling more quickly. Soon waste won’t have anywhere to go. (11) _______________. In light of this, the current situation has to change.


So, how do we overcome these ethical and environmental issues? (12) _______________. They can’t. After all, they are typically located in third-world countries where they are in desperate need of any income. The solution, therefore, is either to confront the major brands or those buying these fast fashion garments. I think we all know that if we ask suppliers about international trade rules, they will all insist they are already complying. Consequently, this is not a good place to begin. (13) _______________. This would undoubtedly improve the situation at the bottom of the chain. Then, for those buying the clothes, the key is education. You may recall the campaigns a few years ago promoting organic food, the same types of campaigns could be run by human rights activists to educate customers about ethical fashion. This would definitely cause people to react.


With regards to the environmental impacts, these are more complex. (14) _______________.The International Trade Association could also monitor and limit retailers to a certain quantity of garments per year. All this would be difficult to impose and monitor. That said, we cannot go on at the same pace. (15) _________________.




A. This is partially due to consumers buying and throwing new clothes away more frequently and suppliers discarding increased amounts of unused fabrics.

B. This is something which was unheard of just a few years ago, when new clothes typically entered the shops in two main collections.

C. We could insist that they increase the amount of money given to the suppliers.

D. Already receiving minimum wages, they are now being asked to adhere to tighter deadlines at lower costs.

E. If we start with the ethical issues, we all know that the suppliers will never stop supplying.

F. Things need to be done to ensure that ‘fast fashion’ slows, and that it stops harming everyone in its way.

G. They all need to consider the environment and the impact it has on local citizens.

H. Retailers could be forced to use sustainable fabrics and donate money to local farmers.

I. They are already struggling at the current pace with soil being unable to take the burden of such high orders.


0 = B





Part 3

You are going to read a magazine article in which people are interviewed about shopping. For questions 16-30, choose from the people (A-I). The people may be chosen more than once.





Which of the people A-I?

16. Lets another person take care of her shopping

17. Compares prices before buying things

18. Sometimes forgets how much she has spent

19. Prefers spending her money on other things other than shopping

20. Carefully plans what she purchases in advance

21. Does not need to buy clothes very often

22. Buys things but ends up returning them

23. Goes shopping a lot but tends to buy more expensive clothes

24. Prefers not to take her husband with her

25. Manages how much she spends with how much she can afford

26. Only enjoys shopping when buying for other people

27. Thinks others prefer to go shopping without her

28. Tends to have the same meals each week

29. Likes to put money aside each month

30. Sets herself purchasing targets






A. Shells, 35, social worker

I’m a shopaholic. I’m always out shopping. As soon as I get paid, I’m either down the shops or online. I don’t buy cheap clothes as often the quality is terrible. My husband is the opposite to me, he hates shopping. I hardly ever take him with me. If he comes, he ruins my fun.


B. Saskia, 22, journalist

I love shopping but I don’t go very often. I have expensive taste and in my current job, I don’t get paid a lot and so I prefer to save my money for something of value. Last month, I bought a beautiful designer watch. Now, I’m saving for a designer handbag. I should reach my goal by next month.


C. Tina, 26, school teacher

I’m a reluctant shopper. I probably go shopping twice a year and buy all the essentials. I’m not interested in fashion and I hate wasting my money on clothes. There are more important things to do with your money. I don’t mind food shopping though and I usually do that once a fortnight.


D. Carly, 32, dancer

I often go shopping with my mum. We love to try things on and experiment with different colours. But the truth is, we rarely buy anything because we are so indecisive. It drives us both bad. If we do buy something, we usually take it back and get our money back a couple of days later.


E. Susan, 38, manager

I’m a careful shopper. Every month, I write a list of things I need to buy and things I 'would like' to buy. At the end of the month, I see how much money I have left over from my salary and buy the essential items. If I have enough money left over, I buy something from the ‘would like’ list and save the rest.


F. Katie, 27, retail assistant

I’m a terrible shopper. I work near a shopping centre and so I’m always popping in on my lunch break. It’s bad because every month I overspend. I put things on my credit card and forget I’ve bought them. I currently owe so much money but I can’t stop my addiction.


G. Dawn, 35, secretary

I don’t enjoy shopping in the slightest. I dislike any type of shopping whether it’s food or clothes. My husband buys all of my clothes and I always do my food shopping online. I usually repeat the last order I had, which often means we have the same food every week. But, my husband doesn’t seem to mind!


H. Tara, 26, athlete

I find shopping relatively boring. I only go when I’m being dragged by my husband. You would think it would be the opposite, but no. He loves shopping! When he wants to go shopping, I usually find a suitable excuse not to go, but sometimes I have to go. I don’t mind shopping for presents for others, but clothes shopping is awful!


I. Jessica, 29, PA

I’m a competitive shopper. I always look at the price tag before I buy. If I think I can buy the item cheaper somewhere else, I do. People find me annoying to go shopping with because I always go from shop to shop and then back to the original shop to buy what I originally saw.



This is the end of the Writing Exam. Check your answers.


Part 1

1.      D

2.      A

3.      B

4.      C

5.      B

6.      A

7.      D

8.      B



Part 2

9.   D

10. I

11. A

12. E

13. C

14. H

15. F



0 = This is something which was unheard of just a few years ago, when new clothes typically entered the shops in two main collections.

9 = Already receiving minimum wages, they are now being asked to adhere to tighter deadlines at lower costs.

10 = They are already struggling at the current pace with soil being unable to take the burden of such high orders. 

11 = This is partially due to consumers buying and throwing new clothes away more frequently and suppliers discarding increased amounts of unused fabrics.

12 = If we start with the ethical issues, we all know that the suppliers will never stop supplying.

13 = We could insist that they increase the amount of money given to the suppliers.

14 = Retailers could be forced to use sustainable fabrics and donate money to local farmers. 

15 = Things need to be done to ensure that ‘fast fashion’ slows, and that it stops harming everyone in its way. 




Part 3

16. G

17. I

18. F

19. C

20. B

21. C

22. D

23. A

24. I

25. E

26. H

27. A

28. B

29. E

30. G

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