How do I get to...?

1.- Duke is going to describe his town


I live in a small town in the countryside. In my town, there is a school, a park, a supermarket, a cinema and two restaurants. The bakery is next to the school. The supermarket is opposite the school on the left hand side. The Italian restaurant is next to the supermarket.


1.a. Answer the following questions about Duke’s town.

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)

Answer the following questions about Duke’s town.


2.- Vocabulary


Listen, repeat & learn!

Left hand sideLeft hand sideA mano izquierda


2.a. Look at the map of Duke’s town.

Label the following places on the map.

Fountain / Traffic lights / Mail box / Bench / Park / Tree



3.- Writing Exercise


Now you have heard Duke and Ginger describe where they live. Let’s see if you can write a short paragraph about your town. I’m going to help you. Let’s go!

(Ahora que has escuchado a Duke y a Ginger describir donde viven, vamos a ver si puedes escribir un pequeño párrafo sobre tu pueblo. Te voy a ayudar. Vamos!)


Answer the following questions about your town and write the answers as one paragraph.

(Contesta las siguientes preguntas sobre tu pueblo. Escribe las respuestas en un párrafo.)

Where do you live? I live in ____
Is your town big or small? The town is big/small.
What shops are there in your town? There is a ____ / There are some ____
Where is the supermarket? The supermarket is ____
Where is the school? The school is ____


4.- Giving directions


Listen, repeat & learn!

Go straight ahead Go straight ahead
Turn right Turn right
Turn left Turn left
Take the first right Take the first right
Take the first left Take the first left
Take the second right Take the second right
Take the second left Take the second left



5.- Duke is going to give directions to his house

Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions.

Ginger: Where do you live Duke?

Duke: I live in the centre of town.

Ginger: What is the name of your street?

Duke: I live in Warwick Street.

Ginger: How do you get from Heddon Street to Warwick Street?

Duke: You go straight ahead and take the first right.

Ginger: How do you get from Warwick Street to Piccadilly Circus station?

Duke: You go straight ahead, take the first left, go straight ahead and then take the second right. The station is straight ahead.


Map of area where Duke lives

Duke is going to give directions to his house


5.a. Find the following places on the map.

Piccadilly Circus
Warwick Street
St James’s church
Brewer Street


5.b. Write down directions

Write down directions


5.c. Write your own answers.

 Write your own answers.

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