Present forms of be - Exercise

Complete the following with words from the boxes:

am not
is not
are not
Spanish German Russian Chinese
French American Canadian  



  • Maria is American; she is from Chicago.
  • Maria is not American; she is from Chile.


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1)Paloma and Sofia ; They from Madrid.
2)Lian ; He from Shanghái.
3)Hello, I ; I from Toronto.
4)Constance English; She from Fráncfort in Germany.
5) Lian American? No, he .
6)Louise ; He from Paris.
7)Petrosky American. He . He from Moscow.
8)Ramón and Carlos ; they from New York.
9) you French? No, I ; I from Argentina.
10)Lizzie ; She from Liverpool.
11) Ramón and Carlos Russian? No, they .
12)Paloma and Sofia Canadian.
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