Past forms of be - Exercise

Complete the following sentences by using words from de box A and information from the box B.


Was Not
Were Not


Gabriel García Márquez Colombian writers
Mao Tse Tsung Chinese statesman

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln

Americans presidents
W. Mozart Austrian composer
Steve Jobs American businessman
Picasso Spanish artist
Anna Pavlova Russian dancer
Neil Armstrong American astronaut


Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)Neil Armtrong an American .
2)Gabriel García Márquez Spanish; he .
3) Gabriel García Márquez an artist? No. He .
4) Picasso a writer? No, He an .
5) Picasso English? No. He .
6)Ana Pavlova Russian; she a .
7)Steve Jobs ; He from The United State.
8)George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Americans; they .
9)Mozart Colombian. He .
10) George Washington and Abraham Lincoln writers? No, they presidents of The United States.
11) Mao Tse Tsung Chinese? Yes. He a Chinese .
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