Ensuring writing quality

In this lesson, we are going to focus on the mechanics of writing letters and emails. First of all, we are going to focus on the use of linking words in business letters and emails to ensure writing is cohesive. We are then going to look at definite and indefinite articles, spelling and punctuation. Finally, we are going to look at the importance of proofreading. Let's begin! 


Linking Words


What is a linking word?

Linking words are words or phrases that join sentences or paragraphs together.

Here are a few examples: 




There are different types of linking words. Some linking words are used to add or contrast information. Some are used in a time sequence and others are used to explain the reason or cause of an event.


A. Looking at the above examples in context. Which category do you think each linking word belongs to?

  • Contrast
  • Reason/Cause
  • Time/Sequence 


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B. Place the following linking words into the correct category. Remember: sometimes the linking word can fall in two categories. If you are not sure of the meaning of the linking word, look it up in the dictionary.




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C. Read the following email and fill in the gaps with the correct linking word.

  • Also
  • And
  • As a result
  • But
  • Finally
  • However
  • Since
  • Therefore
  • When


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D. Your turn!

Choose 5 linking words from the box above that you consider the most useful. Write five sentences using the linking words in context.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________


Definite and indefinite article

Often, students of English have difficulties with the definite (the) and indefinite (a/an) articles in English. Listen to your teacher explain when to use the definite and when to use the indefinite article.



A. Look at the following sentences and add the missing articles.

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1)If you' re small business, the chances are that for every £100 you owe, others owe you £155.
2)Make sure you know name and department of the person each invoice is sent to.
3)Check how long existing customers are taking to pay and negotiate new credit terms if they are not meeting bills on time.
4)You must assess credit risk of every customer and assign them a credit limit.
5)Ask for percentage of value of the invoice in advance as protection.
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Common mistakes when writing in English

Here are some rules to consider when writing in English: 


Verbs and subjects have to agree. 

Verbs must agree with their time reference. 

You can't use a double negative in English.  

Remember to use definite and indefinite articles where appropriate. 

A pronoun must agree with its reference. 

Do not use contractions when writing in formal situations. 

Remember to use commas! 

Proofread your writing to check for errors with spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.   


B. Correct the mistakes.


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