The English!

1.- Vocabulary


 Vocabulary nationality


britain spain mexican

1.A.- Practice

Complete the sentence with the correct nationality

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1)Anna is from Munich. She is
2)Antonia is from Rome. She is
3)Tom is from Dublin. He is
4)John is from Amsterdam. He is
5)Alex is from New York. He is
6)Isabel is from Sao Paulo. She is
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2.- Grammar – Compound words

A compound word is made when two words are joined to form a new word

  • Foot + ball = football
  • Cup + board = cupboard 
  • Class + room = classroom 
  • Bed + room + bedroom

In this lesson we are going to look at compound words with some, any and every.

  • Every: Español
  • Everybody: Todo el mundo
  • Everything: Todo
  • Everywhere: Todas partes


2.A.- Add one of the words from the table into each gap.

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1)Last week I went in the car.
2) is ready to start the exam.
3)When I go to Australia I want to travel .
4)Is going to the party?
5)When we go on holiday my girlfriend likes to take with her!
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The rules for some or any compound words are the same as some and any.

Some = Positive

  • I have some fruit.

Any = Negative or Questions

  • I don’t have any fruit
  • Do you have any fruit?

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2.B.- Practice

Add one of the words from the table into each gap.

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1)There is in the garden.
2)Is there we can go on Friday?
3)Tom works in London.
4)Is there on TV tonight?
5)I don´t know in my class.
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3.- Reading

(Para ver la traducción hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)


The English!


English lamb Sank with vegetables

English lamb Sank with vegetables


3.A.- Practice

A – Answer the following questions

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1)When did Maria go to England?
2)Where did she stay?
3)What does she consider typically English (appearence)?
4)How does she describe the mother or the family she stayed with?
5)What did some of her friends think of English food? Explain.
6)Did Maria have a good time in England?
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B – Find the opposite adjectives in the text

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The English!
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