No-one / Anyone / Nobody / Anybody.

Los pronombres "no-one" / "anyone" / "nobody" / "anybody" / "nothing" / "anything"... tienen todos ellos significado negativo.


Como regla general:

a) "no-one" / "nobody" / "nothing" / "nowhere" / "no + sustantivo" se utilizan con oraciones afirmativas y se suelen colocar al comienzo de la oración.

b) "anyone" / "anybody" / "anything" / "anywhere" / "any+sustantivo" se utilizan con verbos negativos y se suelen colocar a mitad o al final de la oración.



  • Nothing was decided in our last meeting
  • No-one called you last night
  • Last weekend I went nowhere because the weather was terrible
  • I have been looking for my mother but I haven't found her anywhere
  • I haven't seen anyone in your office
  • My company hasn´t done anything in relation with the Kioto Protocol
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