Ejercicios - Indicando direcciones

1. Completa las siguientes expresiones de movimiento con alguna de las palabras entre paréntesis.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)Go this avenue till you see the National Museum (next, along, past, at)
2)Go till you come to the railway station (off, back, on, take)
3)Go to the end of this street (on, into, at, by)
4)Go back the Hotel Palace (take, turn, past, go)
5)When you come the second turning you will see the hospital in front of you (on, take, past, to)
6) the next square take the street on your left (up, at, to, down)
7)Go the river till you come to a small bridge (next, along, at, into)
8)Go up and he second turning on your right (turn, come, take, go)
9)Go down and the cinema (past, close, come, turn)
10)You will find the stadium the end of Tiffany Avenue (at, to, up, down)
11)Go the street till the next traffic light (take, turn, till, down)
12)Turn left at the next corner Mansel Road (into, up, down, next)
13)Go to the end of this avenue and you will to a pub (take, turn, come, stop)
14)Go on and the second turning on your left (turn, take, come, go)
15)You will find that shop halfway the street (up, in, during, next)
16)You must go on the second turning on your left (next, till, up, down)
17)Go along and you will find the bookshop you (next, close, opposite, at)
18)The optician's is just the corner (down, up, on, at)
19)Go on and you will find the supermarket down the street (round, halfway, next, at)
20)You will find that restaurant the next corner (in, up, at, down)
21)Go on you see a big park on your right (till, up, down, along)
22)At the next corner left into Morgan Avenue (go, come, take, turn)
23)The pharmacy is just the corner (on, round, off, along)
24)Take the first turning your left (in, by, on, along)
25)Go to the end of the street and you will see the Theatre you (in front of, back, next, up)
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