Particle を(o) review
Contents: Particle を(o) review, the “Ta” line of Katakana (ta, chi, tsu, te, to), and the “Da” line of Katakana (da, ji, zu, de, do).
Aim: When and where do we use the particle を?
New Vocabulary:
Japanese | Romaji | English |
たべます | tabemasu | To eat |
みます | mimasu | To see, to look |
ききます | kikimasu | To listen |
こえ | koe | voice |
えいが | eiga | Movie |
おんがく | ongaku | music |
あさごはん | Asa-gohan | Breakfast (literally means morning meal) |
ひるごはん | Hiru-gohan | Lunch (literally means afternoon meal) |
よるごはん | Yoru-gohan | Dinner (literally means evening meal) |
みんな | minna | everyone |
Lesson Point:
The particle を is used after a word to signify that the word is the direct object of the verb that follows. をused to be pronounced as “wo” some centuries ago, but now the sound became more like “o” in most cases. But in writing, it is still spelled as をand neverお.
Sample sentences:
あなたはすしをたべますか?(Do you eat sushi?)
Anata wa sushi o tabemasuka?
わたしはすしをたべます。(I eat sushi.)
Watashi wa sushi o tabemasu
アnaはえいがをみます。(Ana watches a movie.)
Ana wa eiga o mimasu
Roサはおんがくをききます。(Rosa listens to the music.)
Rosa wa ongaku o kikimasu
わたしはあさごはんをたべます。(I eat breakfast.)
Watashi wa asagohan o tabemasu
こどもたちはひるごはんをたべます。(The children eat lunch.)
Kodomodachi wa hirugohan o tabemasu
かれはみずをのみます。(He drinks water.)
Kare wa mizu o nomimasu
エnriケはにほんのちずをみます。(Enrique looks at a map of Japan.)
Enrique wa nihon no chizu o mimasu
いぬはわたしのこえをききます。(The dog listens to my voice.)
Inu wa watashi no koe o kikimasu.
みんなとよるごはんをたべます。(I eat dinner with everyone.)
Minna to yorugohan o tabemasu.
S-15-1 |
II. Mini quiz – (Test your knowledge):
Write the sentences below in your language then check your answers against the sample sentences above.
Writing Practice: Katakana (ta, chi, tsu, te, to) and (da, ji, zu, de, do):