Countries and Nationality

Content: Countries and Nationality


Aim: How do I say where I’m from?


New Vocabulary:






にほん ( or)

nihon-jin, nihon-go

Japan, Japanese (person and the language)

かんこく( or)

kankoku-jin, kankoku-go

Korea, Korean (person and the language)

ちゅうごく( or)

chuugoku-jin, chuugoku-go

China, Chinese(person and the language)

ポルトガル( or)

porutogaru-jin, porutogaru-go

Portugal, Portuguese (person and the language)

フランス( or)

furansu-jin, furansu-go

Frence, French (person and the language)

ドイツ( or)

doitsu-jin, doitsu-go

Germany, German (person and the language)


Nani go

What language


Nani jin

What nationality



To speak


Hoka niwa

Other than that



Sample sentences:


あなたはなに人ですか?(What nationality are you?)

anata wa nani jin desu ka?


あなたはフランス人ですか?(Are you French?)

Anata wa furansu jin desuka?


いいえ、わたしはスペイン人です。(No, I am Spanish.)

iie, watashi wa supein jin desu.


スペインごをはなしますか(Do you speak Spanish?)

Supein go o hanashi masuka?


はい、スペインごをはなします。(Yes, I speak Spanish.)

hai, supein go o hanashi masu.


ほかには、なにごをはなしますか?(What other languages do you speak?)

Hokaniwa nanigo o hanashi masuka?


ドイツごとポルトガルごをはなします。(I speak German and Portuguese.)

Doitsugo to porutogarugo o hanashi masu.


あなたはかんこく人ですか?(Are you Korean?)

Anata wa kankoku jin desu ka?


いいえ、わたしはかんこくじんではありません(No, I am not Korean.)

iie, watashi wa kankoku jin dewa arimasen.


わたしはちゅうごく人です。(I am Chinese.)

Watashi wa chuugoku jin desu.


Lesson Point:


By adding “jin orじん ( in Kanji) after the name of the country, you refer the nationality of the person. “”means a person and it shows a person firmly standing with two feet. Also by combining the name of the country and “go - , you refer the language spoken in the country.


ではありませんis a negative form. (e.g. I am not xxxx, or this is not xxxx). More explanations will follow in later chapter. 




Let’s practice saying your nationality and what language you speak in Japanese.





Writing Practice – Kanji:


–is pronounced “jin” here when combined with the name of a country, but is also pronounced “hito”, and indicates people, person and human. The shape of the kanji comes from a person standing with 2 feet.



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