Describing objects

1.- What can you see?

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1) Knife, fork, spoon
2) Bottle
3) Bucket, spade
4) Books
5) Bowl
6) Hat
7) jumper
8) Envelop
9) Wardrobe
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2.- What are the objects made of?

Put the objects in the correct box.

Books / Bottle / Bowl / Bucket / Envelop / Fork / Hat
Jumper / Knife / Spade / Spoon / Wardrobe

(Double click to see the answer; click to return)


Can you add other objects to each category?




3.- Look and read. Write yes or no.



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1)A man with a key in his hand is standing behind the door.
2)The only teddy in the picture is sitting on the lamp.
3)The red and black umbrella is in the centre of the picture.
4)The lamp that is pink and brown is made out of glass.
5)The room with all of the objects in is very tidy and organised.
6)The large blue rug is behind the picture and the lamp.
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4.- Read the text.



Choose the right words and write them in the gaps.

1. once / ago / then

2. at / in / on

3. sooner / late / later

4. all / every / also

5. than / then / that

6. help / helped / helping

7. no / nothing / not

(Double click to see the answer; click to return)



5.- The future with ‘will’

Subject + Will + Verb


Will + subject + verb (questions)


  • I will go to the swimming pool on Saturday.
  • Tomorrow she won’t go to bed early. (negative)
  • Will he play football after work? (question)


Put the sentences into the correct order.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1) cook/ tonight/ dinner/ will/ she
2) won´t/ month/ golf/ I/ next/ play
3) to/ year/ Scotland/ will/ we/ go/ next
4) Saturday?/ at/ they/ will/ party/ the/ dance/ next
5) glass/ buy/ will/ bottle?/ she/ the
6) Won´t/ day/ school/ tomorrow/ the/ to/ after/ you/ go
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6.- Use of ‘will’

1. We use ‘will’ when we want to talk about a future action but we are not certain it will happen.

Usamos ‘will’ cuando queremos hablar de una acción en el futuro pero no estamos seguros de que ocurrirá.

2. We frequently use ‘will’ with expressions like ‘maybe’ or ‘perhaps’. For example, ‘maybe I will go to the cinema tonight’.

Con frecuencia usamos ‘will’ con expresiones como ‘quizás’ o ‘a lo mejor’. Por ejemplo, ‘a lo mejor iré al cine esta noche’.


Translate the sentences from English to Spanish.





  • I will go to the swimming pool on Sunday = Iré a la piscina el domingo.
  • Tomorrow she won’t go to bed early = Mañana no irá a la cama temprano.
  • Will he play football after work? = ¿Jugará al futbol después del trabajo?

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)Next month I won´t play golf
2)Next year we will go to Scotland
3)Will they dance at the party next Saturday?
4)Will she buy the glass bottle?
5)The day after tomorrow you won´t go to school
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7.- Read the diary and write the missing words.


Write one word on each gap.

Thursday 8th March

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1)My mum has just told me that next weekend, we might go Scotland! I really want go. People say it is a great place to visit. If we go, we go on Friday night and we will return Sunday evening. My mum told me that if we go, we will in a hotel and we will visit of different places like Edinburg Castle and Mary King´s Close.
2)I´ve never been to Scotland but people say it a beautiful place to visit.
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8.- Listen and choose A, B or C.

Escucha la lección

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1)Where does Simon want to go for his birthday?
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1)When will Simon celebrate his birthday?
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1)What time will Simon meet his friends?
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Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)Where will Simon meet his friends?
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Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)How will they pay for the cinema tickets?
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credit card




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1)How will they get home from the cinema?
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9.- Audio script

Next week it’s Simon’s birthday. He wants to go to the cinema with his friends to celebrate his birthday. His birthday is on Thursday but because he has to go to school, he will probably celebrate his birthday on Friday. He’s hoping he will meet his friends on Friday at quarter to five in the afternoon at the local tennis club. You see, on Friday, Simon and his friends have tennis lessons. They will go to the cinema from the tennis club and buy their tickets in cash. When the film finishes, Simon’s mum will come and pick the boys up in her car and take them home.


10.- Vocabulary



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