Revision Lessons 16-19

1.- Translate the following adjectives from Spanish into English.

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)

adjectives from Spanish into English.


2.- Put the following words into the correct order to make complete sentences.


correct order to make complete sentences.


3.- Complete the crossword according to the description of the animals.

Animals in the zoo


elefante  girafa  cebra
leon  ballena  delfin



1. It's tall and yellow
3. It's very big and lives in the sea
5. It's a friendly animal that lives in the sea.
6. It's black and white


2. It's big and grey
4. It's dangerous and noisy


Animals in the zoo


4.- Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective in brackets. Don’t forget the rules!

correct form of the adjective


5.- Put the following school subjects in order. 1 is your favourite subject and 8 is your least favourite subject.

Art / Music / History / Science / Geography
Maths / Physical Education (PE) / Religious Education


6.- Complete the following dialogue by inserting the following questions.

When do you go to school?
When is your birthday?
What time do you wake up?
How old are you?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Where do you live?



dialogue by inserting the following questions


7.- Translate the following questions from English into Spanish

 Translate the following questions from English into Spanish


8.- Answer the following questions with complete sentences. Give your own answers!

Give your own answers!


9.- Here are the answers to some questions. Write the questions.

Here are the answers to some questions. Write the questions.

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