
1.- Duke likes animals

He has a lot of pets (animales domésticos).

Listen to Duke talk about his pets.





I have three rabbits, five frogs and two hamsters. I love my pets! My rabbits are called Thumper, Magic and Bugsy. Thumper is five years old, Magic is two years old and Bugsy is eleven months old. My hamsters are called Bubble and Squeak. My hamsters are my favourite pets. They are both black and white.


1.a. Questions

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1.b. Match the pictures to the correct words.

Frog / Hamster / Rabbit


Rabbit  Frog  Hamster
1  2  3.


Match the pictures to the correct words.


1.c. Answer the following questions with complete sentences.

Answer the following questions with complete sentences.


2.- Here are some more pet

Listen, repeat & learn!


Puppy  Kitten  Chimpanzee
Puppy (baby dog)   Kitten (baby cat)   Chimpanzee
Tortoise      Guinea pig
Tortoise       Guinea pig


2.a. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Look at the picture

Look at the picture


3.-Plural nouns


If there is more than one animal, we have to make the animal plural. Here is an example:

1 rabbit (singular)
2 rabbits (plural)

How do we make ‘rabbit’ plural?

We add ‘S’ to make it plural.


3.a. Look at the following animals, can you make them plural?

 Look at the following animals,


It is not always so easy. There are exceptions! Here is one you have to learn ?

In the majority of cases, when the noun ends in ‘y’, for example ‘puppy’, you remove the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’. However, there are a few exceptions e.g. Monkey – monkeys &
donkey - donkeys

(La mayoría de las veces, cuando el nombre acaba en ‘y’, por ejemplo ‘puppy’, tienes que eliminar la ‘y’ y añadir ‘ies’ para formar el plural. Sin embargo, hay un par de excepciones, ej. Monkey – monkeys o donkey- donkeys.)


3.b. Make the following animals plural.

Make the following animals plural.


4.- Your turn

Answer the following questions

Answer the following questions

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