
1.- What hobbies can you see in the pictures below?


Playing football  Playing tennis  Swimming
1.  2.  3.
Painting  Playing computer games  Listening to music
4.  5.  6.


Do you practice any of these hobbies?

1.a. Match the hobbies with the correct picture

(Para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)

Listening to music / Swimming / Playing football / Painting
Playing tennis / Playing computer games

Match the hobbies with the correct picture



2.- Listen, repeat & learn!

Duke and Foxy are going to tell you what their favourite hobby is. Listen!


My favourite hobby is playing computer games. I love computer games!


My favourite hobby is painting! I love painting!



2.a. Practice

What's your favourite hobby?

My favourite hobby is _______________


3.- Listen to the conversation between Ginger and Foxy


Ginger: Do you like swimming?
Foxy: Yes, I do.
Ginger: Do you like playing football?
Foxy: No, I don’t.
Ginger: Do you like listening to music?
Foxy: Yes, I do.
Ginger: Do you like playing computer games?
Foxy: Yes, I do.



3.a. Choose the correct answer.

Choose the correct answer.


3.b. Put the following days of the week in order.

Sunday / Thursday / Monday / Saturday / Tuesday
Friday / Wednesday

Put the following days of the week in order.


Check your answers by listening.

Sonido [Objeto Flash Eliminado]

Help Box:

En Inglés cuando queremos decir el día que hacemos algo:

a) con los días de lunes a viernes usamos la preposición ‘ON’ y

b) con el fin de semana decimos ‘AT’.

On Monday
On Tuesday
On Wednesday
At the weekend, etc.


3.c. Practice

Write the correct prepositions.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1) Tuesday
2) Friday
3) Saturday
4) the weekend
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3.d. Practice

When do you (play tennis / listen to music) ?

On Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday / At the weekend


4.- You are now going to listen to Duke and Ginger talking about their hobbies

Listen and answer the questions.

Duke: Ginger, what’s your favourite hobby?
Ginger: My favourite hobby is playing computer games.
Duke: I love playing computer games too.
Ginger: When do you play computer games?
Duke: I play at the weekend. When do you play computer games?
Ginger: I play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Duke: Do you like painting?
Ginger: No, I don’t.
Duke: Do you like listening to music?
Ginger: Yes, I do.


4.a. True or False

True or False


4.b. Write your answers

Write your answers


Well Done!

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