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Use of English

Ordena las palabras entre paréntesis para formar una oración con el mismo significado que el de las siguientes:

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1)The trains couldn't run because of the snow (stopped / the / running / the / from / snow / trains)
2)I didn't arrive in time to see her (enough / I / wasn't / to / her / early / see)
3)The photocopier was so expensive that I didn't buy it(was / expensive / the / too / to / photocopier / buy)
4)She didn't hurry so she missed the train (she / didn't / as / hurry / the / train / she / missed)
5)The child will die if nobody sends for a doctor (she / send / for / a / doctor / will / die / unless / today / you)
6)We would prefer you to pay us today (pay / today / we'd / us / rather / you)
7)You must see the manager tomorrow morning (see / morning / got / you've / the / tomorrow / to / manager)
8)Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice(denied / voice / can't / be / that / has / a / it / she /beautiful)
9)A bus leaves at ten o'clock every morning (ten / that / leaves / morning / a / o'clock / every / is / there / at /bus)
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