At a Party

1.- Vocabulary





Clothes: ropa
Boots: botas
Blouse: blusa
Cardigan: rebeca
Dress: vestido
Gloves: guantes
Hat: sombrero
Jacket: chaqueta
Jeans: vaqueros
Jumper: jersey
Pyjamas: pijama
Sandals: sandalias
Shirt: camisa
Shoes: zapatos
Skirt: falda
Socks: calcetines
Suit: traje
Swimsuit: bañador
Tie: corbata
Trousers: pantalón
T-shirt: camiseta
Underwear: ropa interior

Cotton: algodón
Leather: piel
Nylon: nylon
Silk: seda
Checked: a cuadros
Striped: a rayas
Sleeve: manga
Short-sleeved: de manga corta

To put on: ponerse
To wear: llevar puesto



2.- Grammar - The Present Continuous

2.A.-To be

Full Form
Short Form
I am
I am not
You are
You are not
He / she is
He's / she's
He / she is not
It is
It is not
We are
We are not
You are
You are not
They are
They are not


2.B.- Gerund (verb+ing)

a) Add "-ing" to the infinitives

b) When the verb ends in "-e" take away the "-e" and adds "-ing".

c) When a one syllable verb has one vowel and ends in a consonant, double the final consonant +ing


2.C.- Practice

Write the gerunds of these verbs

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2.D.- Present Continuous

Form: To be + Gerund


Full Form
Short Form
I am working
I'm working
Estoy trabajando
You are working
You're working
Estás trabajando
He / she is working
He's / she's working
Está trabajando
It is working
It's working
Está trabajando
We are working
We're working
Estamos trabajando
You are working
You're working
Estáis trabajando
They are working
They're working
Están trabajando


Full Form
Short Form
I am not working
I'm not working
No estoy trabajando
You are not working
You're not working
No estás trabajando
He / she is not working
He's / she's not working
No está trabajando
It is not working
It's not working
No está trabajando
We are not working
We're not working
No estamos trabajando
You are not working
You're not working
No estáis trabajando
They are not working
They're not working
No están trabajando


1. We use the Present Continuous to express what is happening now, at this moment.

  • I’m studying English now.
  • I’m eating an apple now.

2. We use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action.

  • I’m studying to be a doctor.
  • I am reading a book by J.K Lewin.

3. We use the Present Continuous to indicate that something will happen in the future.

  • I am going to the cinema tonight.
  • We are going to a concert tomorrow.


2.E.- Practice

2.E.1.- Fill in the gaps with the present continuous

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1)Dad on the table (dance)
2)Alex a story (write)
3)Ferdinand a book (read)
4)Alex and Katie television (watch)
5)I my homework (do)
6)You to Alejandro Sanz (listen)
7)The dog in the bedroom (sleep)
8)We to an Italian restaurant tomorrow (go)
9)I a book for my birthday (get)
10)My parents in a play next week (act)
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2.E.2.- What’s she doing?

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2.E.3.- Complete the sentences. Use short forms.


  • Dan (not do) his homework.
  • Dan isn’t doing his homework.


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1)The man a book (write)
2)We a magazine (read)
3)They their friends (not visit)
4)Lucy her bottle of water (not drink)
5)Katie (not sleep)
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3.- Reading

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3.A.- Practice

3.A.1.- Who are the sentences about?


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1) They are making coffee.
2) She is drinking coke.
3) He is eating a hamburguer.
4) They are eating ice creams.
5) He is sleeping.
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3.A.2.- Put the events in the story in the correct order.


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1) They go to Kitchen.
2) Tina and Sophie are talking in the kitchen.
3) Lucy is drinking coke.
4) Tom is looking for Tina.
5) Tom and Lucy are hungry.
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At a Party
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