British Slang – At a party

1.- Introduction

In today’s lesson we are going to listen to a conversation that takes place at a party between two friends.


A. Look at the following pictures of different types of parties. Label the parties.

  • Fancy dress party
  • Engagement party
  • Birthday party
  • Christmas party

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1) imag
2) hbd
3) imag
4) xtmas
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B. Answer the following questions out loud.

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1)Have you ever been to any of these types of parties?
2)What did you do? What did you eat?
3)What do you like about parties? What don´t you like about parties?
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Look at the answer key if you need help answering the questions.


2.- Pre-Listening Task

A. When you are at a party, what do you talk about with your friends/family? Make a list of 5 different topics. For example, the food at the party, the people, etc.

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3.- Listening

You are going to listen to Abi and Robert. They are at a party. Robert arrived about an hour ago and Abi has just arrived.


A. Listen and see if any of the things you mentioned are spoken about.

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido


B. Listen again and match the speakers (Abi or Robert) to what they say.

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match speakers

C. Listen again and answer the following questions:

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1)Why isn´t Abi very happy?
2)What solution does Robert give Abi?
3)Where is Robert´s drink?
4)What do Abi and Robert decide to drink?
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Check your answers!


4.- Focus on Vocabulary

A. Read the dialogue and replace all of the words/phrases in bold with their literal meaning.

A few pounds (£) / What’s wrong? - what’s the matter? / Sad - upset
Took / Be happy / Stole

Audio Script: At a party

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audio script


5.- Focus on grammar: Questions

When we are talking in informal situations, it is common to make sentences/phrases shorter.

A. Look at the dialogue and write down two questions which are grammatically incorrect.

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Check your answers!


B. Why are the two questions grammatically incorrect?

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C. Make the following questions grammatically correct. Use ‘you’ in all questions.

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1)You got one?
2)What you drinking?
3)Come here often?
4)Want one?
5)What you doing?
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6.- Focus on Pronunciation and Intonation

Now practice saying the dialogue with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
If necessary, listen again and repeat.


7.- Speaking Activity

Now we have listened to two people at a party, it’s your turn!



The situation is:

You are at a party!
Partner A (ME): you have had your bag stolen
Partner B (YOU): offer to help me find a solution to my problem

Spend a few minutes thinking about what you are going to say. If it helps you write down your part of the dialogue.

For example: Oh I’m really sorry, I ___________________

I’m going to start! Listen to me and respond in the right way. Remember to use your new expressions!


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