At the toy shop

At The Toy Shop


Before we go with Duke and Ginger to the toy shop, we are going to learn some important adjectives to describe toys.


1.- Listen, repeat & learn!

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido

Listen, repeat & learn!

Tall (Alto)
Short (Bajo)
Fat (Gordo)
Thin (Delgado)
Historic (Histórico)
Modern (Moderno)
Interesting (Interesante)
Boring (Aburrido)
Noisy (Ruidoso)
Quiet (Tranquilo / callado)


4.a. Describe the following things. Don’t forget to follow the rules!

things  things  things
things  things  things

Describe the following things. Don’t forget to follow the rules!


5.- Duke and Ginger want to buy Foxy a birthday present

They go to the toy shop to see what they can buy.

Duke: What about this teddy bear?

Ginger: Hhhm, I like it but it’s massive and it’s too expensive.

Duke: How much is it?

Ginger: £55!

Duke: Yes, it’s too expensive.

Ginger: What about this robot?

Duke: Yes, it looks nice but it’s very noisy and dangerous!

Ginger: I agree it’s too noisy! Ok, what about this computer game?

Duke: How much is it?

Ginger: £15

Duke: Great, it’s cheap, small and looks a lot of fun!

Ginger: Let’s buy it!


5.a. You are now going to read a summary of Duke and Ginger’s conversation.

Fill in the gaps with the correct adjectives.

Fill in the gaps with the correct adjectives.


You will notice that Duke and Ginger describe some of the toys as being ‘too expensive’ or ‘too big’.

Please note:

It’s too expensive = es demasiado caro
It’s too big = es demasiado grande.


5.b. Translate the following sentences

Translate the following sentences

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