Welcome back!

Duke  Ginger  Foxy
My name’s Duke   My name’s Ginger  

My name’s Foxy


1.- Practice

Answer the question:

What's you name ?

My name is _______________


2.- Listen to Duke and Ginger and practice the conversation

Duke: Hello Ginger!

Ginger: Hi Duke!

Duke: How are you Ginger?

Ginger: I’m fine, thank you. How are you?

Duke: I’m really good thanks.

Ginger: See you later.

Duke: Goodbye!

Ginger: Bye!


2.a. Who says this? Duke or Ginger?

(Para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)


Who says this? Duke or Ginger?


2.b. Find the following words in the wordsearch

Hello / Hi / I’m fine / Thank you / Goodbye / Bye



2.c. Practice

How are you? I'm fine / I'm really good


3.- Say hello to Foxy!


Hello kids! My name’s Foxy and I’m a fox!
I live in the woods with my friends.
I’m ten years old and I have ten brothers and fifteen sisters. My family is really big!

3.a. Match the questions with the correct answers.

(Para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)


Match the questions with the correct answers.


3.b. Now it’s your turn. Write down your answers.

What’s your name?

Where do you live?

How old are you?

How many brothers and sisters do you have?


4. Mouth Gymnastics



We are going to practice a very important sound in English. Listen and repeat.

Mouth Gymnastics



4.a. Listen and tick which words contain this sound.

(Para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)

Listen and tick which words contain this sound.


4.b. Here are some more important words with the same sound.

Listen and repeat:


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