My house

Ginger lives in a house in the house. Here are a few rooms she has in her house.


1.- Listen, repeat & learn!



Bedroom  Bathroom  Kitchen
Bedroom   Bathroom   Kitchen
Living room  Dining room  Garden
Living room   Dining room   Garden




2.- Mouth Gymnastics


We are going to practice a very important sound in English.

Mouth Gymnastics


Listen and repeat.



2.a. Listen and tick which words contain the /u:/ sound.

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; click vuelve a posición original)

Listen and tick v which words contain the /u:/ sound.


3.- You are going to listen to a conversation between Duke & Ginger

Listen and answer the questions below.

Duke: Which street do you live in Ginger?

Ginger: I live in Flower Street. Which street do you live in?

Duke: I live in Warwick Street. What is your house like Ginger?

Ginger: It is quite big.

Duke: How many bedrooms are there?

Ginger: There are six bedrooms.

Duke: Your house is very big!

Ginger: How many bedrooms are there in your house?

Duke: There are three bedrooms.

Ginger: Your house is quite big then!

Duke: How many bathrooms are there?

Ginger: Two. How many bathrooms are there in your house?

Duke: Just one.

Ginger: Which is your favourite room in the house?

Duke: My favourite room is the kitchen.

Ginger: Why?

Duke: Because in the kitchen I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Ginger: Haha. My favourite room is the living room.

Duke: Why?

Ginger: Because in the living room there’s a television and a computer. I watch television every night and I also play on the computer every afternoon.



3.a. Complete the table with the correct information about Duke and Ginger.

Complete the table


4.- Present Simple (regular verbs)

4.a. In the dialogue below, there are 3 examples of present simple regular verbs. Can you find them?

Present Simple (regular verbs)


Here are some regular verbs. Regular present simple verbs always have the same endings. (Los verbos regulares en el presente simple siempre acaban de la misma forma.)

regular verbs

Notarás que cuando es ‘he’, ‘she’ o ‘it’ quien realiza la acción, añadimos una ‘s’ al final del verbo, por ejemplo ‘she lives’.


4.b. Complete the table for the verb ‘to eat’. Remember the verb is exactly the same as the other regular verbs ?

Verb: to eat

Verb: to eat


4.c. Match the sentences with their correct translation.

Match the sentences with their correct translation.

(Una vez que hayas traducido las frases del inglés al castellano, intenta traducir las frases del castellano al inglés sin mirar la frase original)


4.d. Translate the following:

Translate the following:


4.e. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


5.- Practice

Answer the questions:

Which street do you live in?

How many bedrooms are there in your house?

How many bathrooms are there in your house?

Which is your favourite room in your house?

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