Telephoning (II)

This is the last lesson in our telephoning series. In this lesson, we are going to revise giving and noting numbers over the phone. We are also going to practice asking for information and also checking ard clarifying that the information received is correct. As previously mentioned, when telephoning, we often use the same expressions for certain cases. Therefore, it is essential you learn the telephoning phrases so that you can become a more confident telephone speaker in English. Let´s begin!


Giving and noting numbers

In this section, we are going to practice giving and noting telephone numbers, prices and dates.


Before we begin- Test your Knowledge


A. Write down how in Britain we would say the following:

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1)01992 633789
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Sonido 1

Telephone numbers 

Listen to your teacher explain how we give telephone numbers in Britain and how we can differentiate between a landline number and a mobile number. 



A. Now, practice saying the following numbers:

  1. 0208 576 423
  2. 0207 387 310
  3. 07857 888770
  4. 07775 513 763



Listen to your teacher explain how we give prices in Britain.


B. Now, write how we would say the following:

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Listen to your teacher explain how we say dates in Britain


C. Now, write how we would say the following:

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Asking for Information

A. When you are making a business call, what are the different situations that you might find yourself in asking for information? 

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B. Imagine you are in the following situations, what information might you want to find out over the phone? 


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C. Here are some expressions used to ask for information, put them into the correct order

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1) me / tell / ? / could / please / you/ …./
2) …/ telling/ would / mind / me / you / ? /
3) You / think/you / do/ me / tell/ ... / ? / could /
4) If / it/ you / is/ alright/ tell /... / me/ ?
5) Me/… / l'd/ you/ ?/ like/ to/ tell/
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D. Practice asking for information

Use the situations in B to practice asking for information. Write your questions in the spaces provided.

1. ________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________


Sonido 2

A. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

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1)What is the situation?
2)What does the client want?
3)What information does the receptionist give the client?
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B. Listen again and fill in the gaps. 


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Clarifying information

A. You will notice that the client asks the secretary to clarify the information on several occasions. Wich expressions / techniques does she use?

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