Telephoning (I)

In this lesson, you are going to learn how to open and close a business telephone conversation. You are also going to learn some important telephoning phrasal verbs. At the end of the lesson, you should feel more confident making a business tlephone call in English. Let´s begin!


Speaking Activity

A. Answer the following questions out loud. Give as much information as possible.

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1)How often do you make phone calls?
2)Do you prefer speaking on the phone or writing an email?
3)Why is speaking on the phone in a foreign language often quite dificult?
4)Before you ring a company/make a formal phone call, do you plan what what you are going to say?
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B. Often when you make a phone call to a company, the format is always the same. Look at the following conversation and see if you can label each part of the conversation with the headings below:



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When you have finished the exercise, practice saying the dialogue out loud.


C. Place the following expressions into the correct categories:

  • IT Solutions, how can I help you?
  • lt's about…
  • What's it in connection with?
  • Sorry, I didn´t catch your name
  • … speaking
  • It´s in connection with?
  • l'm putting you through
  • Could I have extension 3540, please?
  • Could I speak to the Accounts de partment? 


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Speaking Activity - Your turn!

You are now going to practise some telephoning role plays. Read your role and plan what you are going to say before you begin. Then press play and react to your teacher. 


Sonido 1

You are the secretary at international Training. Your boss Daniel Smith is on holiday today. Answer the phone when you are ready.


Sonido 2

You want to speak urgently to the accounts department regarding invoice No:3548. Phone the company

Sonido 3

You are very angry customer and want to speak directly to the Managing Director. You are upset with the way the company has charged your credit card twice for your order.


Telephoning Phrasal Verbs

A lot of phrasal verbs are used when telephoning in English.


D. Look at the following conversations and underline all of the telephoning phrasal verbs.


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E. Here is a lost of some of the phrasal verbs from the dialogues. Can you match the phrasal verb with its literal meaning?


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F. Complete the sentences with a telephoning phrasal verb from the list above. 

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1)Your mobile is ringing. Why don't you ?
2)l'm afraid she's not available at the moment. Can you later?
3)I don't have her number. Could you it for me please?
4)Hello? Are you still there? I think we were for a moment.
5)I think Mr Brown is away from the office today. l've been trying to all day to him
6)Could you a moment? I´ll just find out for you.
7)If the receptionist puts me on hold again, I´ll
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G. Here some key expressions for closing a phone call. Look at the phrases and label each category.

  • Saying goodbye
  • Thanking
  • Confirming information
  • Closing signals


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