The British Royal Family

In this lesson, we are going to revise important words that are related to family and friends. We are going to introduce you to some of the members of the British Royal Family and we are going to read an article wich talks about the role of the Royal Family in today´s society.


Focus on Vocabulary (Family and Friends)

1. Look at the words bellow and out them into the correct category.

Acquaintance/ Aunt / Best friend/ Brother/ Close friend/ Colleague/ Cousin/ Fiancé/ Foster parent / Grandchild/ Grandmother/ Half brother/ Mother in law/ Nanny/ Twin/ Uncle


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Focus on Pronunciation and Intonation

2. Listen to your teacher say the following words and decide how many syllables there are. Listen and repeat.


Acquaintance/ Aunt / Best friend/ Brother/ Close friend/ Colleague/ Cousin/ Fiancé/ Foster parent / Grandchild

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Writing Activity

Write answers to the following questions giving as much information as possible. Use the words/phrases in the writing bank to help you with your fluency. 


1. Do you get on well with your family? Who do you get on with the best?




2. What's your family like? Describe them in detail?




3. What do you know about the British Royal Family? 





Speaking Task

A. Look at the following pictures of members of the British Royal Family. Can you identify the people? 

If you need some help, here are the names of the people in the pictures but in the wrong order. Try and match them to the correct pictures.

  • Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge)
  • Prince Harry
  • The Queen
  • Prince Charles (Prince of Wales) and Camilla (Duches of Cornwall)
  • Prince William (Duke of Cambridge)
  • Princess Diana
  • Princess Margaret 

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1) imag33
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6) imag38
7) imag39
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Grammar: Possessives

In English, we can use of to show possession, for example: the dog of the Queen. However, it is nure natural to use a possessive phrase, for example: The Queen's dog.


Proper Nouns (Names)

We very often use a possessive with names:

  • Prince Harry brother.
  • Where is the Duchess of Cambridge's house?
  • Who inherited Lady Diana's wedding ring?

When a name ends in s, we usually treat it like any other singular noun, and add 's:

  • This is Prince Charles' s chair. 


A. How are they related to each other? Use a possessive to explain their relationship to each other. 

  • Prince William is Princess Diana´s son
  • Prince William is Prince Harry´s brother
  • The Queen is Catherine´s (the duchess of Cornwall´s) mother in law

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Reading / Listening

You have the opinion to either practice your reading or your listening skills. Read or listen an then answer the questions below.

the role imag43



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