Ginger’s town

In today’s lesson, we are going to learn about Ginger’s town.

Here are a few things that Ginger has in her town. (Abajo verás algunas cosas que Ginger tiene en su pueblo.)


1.- Listen, repeat & learn!


Supermarket  Park  Cinema
Restaurant  Chemist  Bakery
Hairdressers  Library    



2.- Ginger is going to talk to you about her town

Listen carefully and answer the questions.


Duke: Do you live in a big town Ginger?

Ginger: No, I live in a small town.

Duke: Are there any supermarkets in your town?

Ginger: Yes, there are. There are two supermarkets. One is really big!

Duke: Are there any restaurants?

Ginger: Yes, there are four restaurants - one Chinese, one Indian and two Italian.

Duke: Which is your favourite restaurant?

Ginger: I love the Chinese restaurant! It’s definitely my favourite.

Duke: What other shops do you have in your town?

Ginger: There is also a bakery and a chemist.

Duke: Is there a park?

Ginger: Yes there is. The park is small but it’s near my house. There is also a cinema.

Duke: I love going to the cinema.

Ginger: Me too!


2.a. Answer the following True/False questions. If the answer is False, correct the answer.

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)

If the answer is False, correct the answer.


2.b. Answer the following questions about your town.

Answer the following questions about your town.



3.- Prepositions


We are now going to learn some important prepositions in English.

Listen, repeat & learn!


Next to (a lado de)  Near (cerca de)
Next to (a lado de)   Near (cerca de)
In front of (delante de)  Behind (detrás de)
In front of (delante de)   Behind (detrás de)



3.a. Are the following statements True or False. Correct the False statements.

Next to (a lado de)  In front of  Behind
1.  2.  3.

Are the following statements True or False. Correct the False statements.



4.- Prepositions in sentences


We are now going to look at where prepositions go in a sentence. To do this, we have to analyse a typical sentence.

(Ahora vamos a mirar donde van las preposiciones en una frase. Para hacer esto, tenemos que analizar una frase.)

Here is a typical sentence with a preposition.

The cat is behind the cupboard


4.a. Can you identify the subject, verb, preposition and object of the sentence?

Can you identify the subject, verb, preposition and object of the sentence?

A typical sentence is formed in the following way. Learn the rule.

Subject + Verb + Preposition + Object


4.b. Put the following words in order to make a complete sentence. Don’t forget the rule!

Put the following words in order to make a complete sentence. Don’t forget the rule!



5.- Mouth Gymnastics


We are going to practice a very important sound in English. Listen and repeat.





5.a. Listen and tick which words contain the /a:/ sound.

Listen and tick v which words contain the /a:/ sound.

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