
1.- Listen and Repeat



A pair of trousers

A pair of trousers

A t-shirt

A t-shirt

A jacket

A jacket

A shirt

A shirt

A jumper

A jumper

A dress

A dress

A pair of socks

A pair of socks



A skirt

A skirt

A pair of shoes

A pair of shoes


1.1.- Complete the following table

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

Complete the following table


2.- What is she wearing?



Listen and answer the questions.

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

answer the questions.


3.- What are they wearing?

Look at the picture of John. What is he wearing?

What are they wearing?


(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

What are they wearing?


Look at the picture of Sarah. What is she wearing?

Look at the picture of Sarah. What is she wearing?


(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

Look at the picture of Sarah. What is she wearing?


4.- Practice


What are you wearing?

I’m wearing __________________

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