Ejercicios - For / Since

1. Completa las siguientes oraciones con "for" o "since".

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)I have been studying mathematics three hours
2)George has worked in this company 8 years
3)The socialist party has been in power March 2004
4)This terrorist has been in prison three years
5)My mother has been travelling last April
6)The oil price has been going up three months
7)Alice has been in her bedroom two hours
8)We have been married 1992
9)The socialist party has been in power 6 months
10)What weather! It has been snowing two days
11)It is unbelievable. They have been arguing 6 o'clock
12)The oil price has been going up last March
13)My French teacher has been ill one week
14)I have been studying mathematics 4 o'clock
15)This terrorist has been in prison 2001
16)My boyfriend has been sleeping 7 o'clock yesterday evening
17)My mother has been travelling 4 months
18)Alice has been in her bedroom 6 o'clock
19)George has worked in this company 1997
20)My boyfriend has been sleeping 15 hours
21)We have been married 12 years
22)It is unbelievable. They have been arguing 4 hours
23)My French teacher has been ill last week
24)Our king has been abroad 10 days
25)It has been snowing Thursday
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