Revision Lessons 21-24

In this lesson, we are going to revise what we have learned in Lessons 21-24


1.- First Conditional

A. Identify the present and future forms in the following sentences.

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1)If I go to paris in the summer, I´m going to visit the Eiffel Tower
2)We´ll pass the exam if we study a lot
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B. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

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1)He´s coming here tomorrow so when I (see) him, I´ll ask him it´s true.
2)If I (tell) you a secret, will you promise not be to tell anyone?
3)If he causes any more problems, I (fire) him.
4)If I lose my job now I (take) a long holiday and aplly for a new job.
5)I (go) on holiday if I have the time.
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2.- Speaking Activity

A. Complete the following sentences with your own answers.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)If I go to the cinema on Friday I ... (first conditional)
2)If I eat a lot of food at lunchtime I ... (zaro conditional)
3)If I go to bed late I ... (zero conditional)
4)If I to Los Angeles this summer I ... (first conditional)
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3.- Listening

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido

A. Listen to the conversation between Teresa and Neil and answer the following questions.

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1)Why has Teresa changed her mid about going to the cinema?
2)What did Teresa´s friends say about the film?
3)Are there any other films Neil wants to see at the cinema?
4)Where do they decide to go in the end?
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Here are some important words from the audio script to help you.


Apparently = Por lo visto
To chat with someone = Chatear/hablar con alguien
A waste of money = Una pérdida de dinero
Instead of = En vez de

Check your answers by looking at the audio script.


Audio script

audio s




B. Fill in the gaps with the correct expression.

  • Lazed around
  • What did you get up to at the weekend?
  • Hiya
  • What you been up to?
  • Cheer you up
  • Sometimes it’s good to do nothing

(En todas las preguntas, para ver respuesta hacer doble click en recuadro; un click vuelve a recuadro original)



4.- Speaking Activity

A. Imagine you are in the following situation:

Situation: You are at a busy shopping centre. You want to buy something so you look for your wallet/purse, but after a while, you realise it is missing. It has been stolen.

You need money to get home. So, you phone your best friend and tell her/him about what has happened and ask her/him to come and meet you.

Phone your friend and make sure you include the following information:

  • Where you are
  • What has happened (someone has pinched my purse)
  • What you would like her/him to do

Think carefully about what you are going to say before making the phone call.

Look at the answer key for a model answer.






B. Complete the crossword with slang words/expressions from Unit 23.

(En todas las preguntas, para ver respuesta hacer doble click en recuadro; un click vuelve a recuadro original)




C. Transform the following questions into more informal (slang) questions.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1) What are you eating?
2) Do you go to Spain often?
3) Do you want a sandwich too?
4) What are you singing?
5) What have you been doing lately?
6) Do you have a couple of pounds you can lend me?
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D. Translate the following dialogue from English into Spanish.

(En todas las preguntas, para ver respuesta hacer doble click en recuadro; un click vuelve a recuadro original)



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