Future in the past

future in the past


“A” and “B” are arguing over a plane ticket that apparently, “A” lost.

A: I’m telling you, John gave you the ticket and his passport before he left yesterday; he said he was returning today at seven. We only have an hour left!

B: I know that he was going to give me his papers, but he never got to. I was at the bathroom, so he gave them to you and you promised you would give them to me.

A: What? No, that never happened. I can’t believe you lost his papers and then lied about it. You know how important this trip is for him and both of us. How could you be such an idiot? He was going to get in that plane and he was going to get that job for all of us. We cannot pay rent and the landlord called last week and threatened us with eviction if we didn’t pay up.

B: Ok, then if money is so short and this trip is so important, why did you lose his papers? I mean, it seems counter intuitive, don’t you think?

A: It is not my fault you are so clumsy. You must have left them somewhere or something. If it were for you, we would be living in the streets or something. You would lose your head were it not attached to your shoulders.

B: Just start digging around and eventually they’ll turn up. We promised dad we would take care of the house. I’m sure we will find the papers.





“A” y “B” están discutiendo acerca de un boleto de avión que aparentemente “A” perdió.

A: Te estoy diciendo, John te dio el ticket y su pasaporte antes de que se fuera ayer; dijo que iba a volver hoy a las siete. ¡Solo nos queda una hora!

B: Yo sé que me iba a dar sus papeles, pero nunca llegó a hacerlo. Yo estaba en el baño, entonces te los dio a ti y prometiste que me los darías a mí luego.

A: ¿Qué? No, eso nunca pasó. No puedo creer que perdiste sus papeles y luego mentiste acerca de eso. Sabes lo importante que es este viaje tanto para él como para nosotros. ¿Cómo pudiste ser semejante idiota? Se iba a subir a ese avión e iba a conseguir ese trabajo para todos. No podemos pagar la renta y el propietario llamó la semana pasada y nos amenazó con echarnos si no pagábamos.

B: Bueno, entonces si el dinero está corto, y este viaje es tan importante, ¿por qué perdiste sus papeles? Quiero decir, me parece contra intuitivo, ¿no te parece?

A: No es mi culpa que seas tan torpe. Los debiste haber dejado por ahí o algo. Si fuera por ti, estaríamos viviendo en las calles o algo. Perderías tu cabeza si no estuviera adosada a tus hombros.

B: Ponte a buscar y eventualmente van a aparecer. Le prometimos a papá que íbamos a cuidar de la casa. Estoy seguro que vamos a encontrar los papeles.

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