

“Into” es una preposición. A continuación analizamos su uso.

1.- Preposición de lugar

1.1.- Movimiento: en, dentro de (hacia el interior de un lugar / objeto)


The girl jumps into the lake


Its raining. Kids! come into the house

The dog jumped into the swimming pool

I put the pizzas into the fridge

The robber got into the bank

I poured milk into the cup

I drove the motorcycle into the garage

The kid threw his toy into the fire

Mary put the roast into the oven


He pours tea in the cup


1.2.- Dirección: en dirección a un lugar / objeto

I felt really scared when the dog looked straight into my eyes

It was funny watching the cat gazing into the mirror

The bus crushed into a fence

Yo must speak into the microphone

The mother looked into the bedroom to see her baby

This road leads into the city centre


2.- Preposición de tiempo: entrar dentro de un periodo

The cocktail party continued well into the night

The general election took place well into the year (bien avanzado el año)

My dad is well into his sixties


3.- Otros significados

3.1.- Transformar, cambiar de condición

Their friendship turned into hatred

He turned the old car into a very fashion one

The football match turned into a battle


3.2.- Divisiones: entre

Divide 12 into 3

12 into 3 goes 4


3.3.- Estar muy interesado en algo, dedicarse a algo

My brother is into sport (es un gran aficionado al deporte)

My father went into business with his brother

I am into italian food (soy un fan de la comida italiana)

Peter is into rock & roll

When I finished my studies I went into banking


3.4.- Incluir, pasar a formar parte

My son was hired into that company

Switzerland never entered into the EU

The fiscal incorporated his conclusions into the final document


3.5.- Traducir a otra lengua

I had to translate this article into French

That film wasn’t dubbed into Italian



4.1.- “Into” vs “In”

“Into” se utiliza con verbos de movimiento expresando tanto la dirección como el resutado de dicho movimiento.

I put the wallet into my pocket

The car fall into the river

Liz jumped into the swimming pool

“In” se puede utilizar tanto con verbos de movimiento como con verbos que no expresan movimiento sino posición.

Con verbos de movimiento ambas preposiciones son sinónimas si bien “Into” acentúa la idea de desplazamiento:

I put the wallet into my pocket / I put the wallet in my pocket

The car fall into the river / The car fall in the river

Liz jumped into the swimming pool / Liz jumped in the swimming pool

He threw the ball into the basket / He threw the ball in the basket

Con verbos de posición en cambio tan sólo se puede utilizar “In”:

I study in my bedroom (NO: I study into my bedroom)

The coins are in the box (NO: The coins are into the box)

I left the ball in the basket (NO: I left the ball into the basket)


4.2.- “Into” vs “In to”

Hay que diferenciar la preposición “Into” de la combinación “In to”.

“In” puede ver formar parte de un phrasal verb. Los phrasal verb son combinaciones de verbo + preposición que tienen un significado propio diferente a la suma de los significados individuales de sus componentes:

To break in: forzar la entrada, entrar sin permiso

To hand in: entregar

To give in: entregar, rendirse, ceder

To cave in: ceder

To dive in: bucear

Cuando estos “phrasals verb” van seguidos de “to” hay que mantener separados “in to” ya que “in” forma parte del “phrasal verb”:

En estas oraciones “To” puede funcionar como preposición, indicando el destino:


The robbers broke in to my house last night

“broke in”: phrasal verb

“to my house”: indica el destino

No es correcto: The robbers broke into my house last night


The kidnappers handed the injured in to the police

“handed in”: phrasal verb

“to the police”: indica el destino

No es correcto: The kidnappers handed the injured into the police

O también “To” puede formar parte de un infinitivo que viene a continuación:

The police dived in to rescue the boy

“dived in”: phrasal verb

“to rescue”: infinitivo

No es correcto: The police dived into rescue the boy

Utilizar incorrectamente “Into” en estos casos no sólo es un error gramatical (rompe el phrasal verb) sino que a veces puede alterar completamente el sentido de la oración:

Un ejemplo muy típico es con el verbo “to turn”: “To turn in” es un phrasal verb que tiene el significado (entre otros) de entregar:

The student turned the essay in to the teacher

“turned in”: phrasal verb

“to the teacher”: indica el destino

Esta oración se traduce: “El alumno entregó el trabajo al profesor”

El significado cambia completamente si en lugar de “In to” utilizamos la preposición “Into”: “to turn into” se traduce por “transformar, convertir”

The student turned the essay into his teacher

Esta oración se traduce por: El alumno convirtió el trabajo en su profesor (por arte de magia)

La combinación “to turn into” sí es correcta en la oración:

The magician turned his handkerchief into a rabbit (El mago transformó su pañuelo en un conejo)

Lo mismo ocurre cuando “into” forma parte de un phrasal ver; en este caso no se puede separar en “In to”:

To look into: estudiar, investigar

To be into: dedicarse a algo, estar interesado en algo, ser un apasionado de algo


The police looked into the crime (NO: The police looked in to the crime)

I am into tennis (NO: I am in to tennis)

Veamos diversos ejemplos:

The children jumped into the swimming pool (NO: The children jumped in to the swimming pool

I got into the car (NO: I got in to the car)

I am into football (NO: I am in to football)

I gave in to his request (NO: I gave into his request)

My son stepped into the bathroom (NO: My son stepped in to the bathroom)

I came in to take my wallet (NO: I came into take my wallet)

I plugged the battery charger into the socket (NO: I plugged the battery charger in to the socket)

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