Método de Cambio de Variable II

d left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals fraction numerator fourth root of x squared minus 3 end root minus 1 over denominator square root of x squared minus 3 end root minus 1 end fraction semicolon space u to the power of 4 equals x squared minus 3 space
C u a n d o space x rightwards arrow 2 space e n t o n c e s space u rightwards arrow 1
stack l i m with x rightwards arrow 2 below space fraction numerator fourth root of x squared minus 3 end root minus 1 over denominator square root of x squared minus 3 end root minus 1 end fraction equals space stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 1 below space fraction numerator fourth root of u to the power of 4 end root minus 1 over denominator square root of u to the power of 4 end root minus 1 end fraction equals space stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 1 below space fraction numerator u minus 1 over denominator u squared minus 1 end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 1 below space fraction numerator u minus 1 over denominator open parentheses u minus 1 close parentheses open parentheses u plus 1 close parentheses end fraction
stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 1 below space fraction numerator u minus 1 over denominator open parentheses u minus 1 close parentheses open parentheses u plus 1 close parentheses end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 1 below space fraction numerator 1 over denominator open parentheses u plus 1 close parentheses end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 1 below space fraction numerator 1 over denominator open parentheses 1 plus 1 close parentheses end fraction equals 1 half
g left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals fraction numerator straight pi minus straight x over denominator sin left parenthesis x right parenthesis end fraction space semicolon space u equals straight pi minus straight x space space space comma space space straight x equals straight pi minus straight u space semicolon space sin left parenthesis straight pi right parenthesis equals 0 semicolon cos left parenthesis straight pi right parenthesis equals negative 1 semicolon space space stack lim space with straight u rightwards arrow 0 below space fraction numerator sin left parenthesis straight u right parenthesis over denominator straight u end fraction equals 1
stack l i m with x rightwards arrow straight pi below space fraction numerator straight pi minus straight x over denominator s i n left parenthesis x right parenthesis end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 0 below space fraction numerator straight u over denominator s i n left parenthesis straight pi minus straight u right parenthesis end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 0 below space fraction numerator straight u over denominator s i n left parenthesis straight pi right parenthesis cos left parenthesis u right parenthesis minus sin left parenthesis u right parenthesis cos left parenthesis straight pi right parenthesis end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 0 below space fraction numerator straight u over denominator negative s i n left parenthesis u right parenthesis open parentheses negative 1 close parentheses end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 0 below space fraction numerator straight u over denominator s i n left parenthesis u right parenthesis end fraction equals stack l i m with u rightwards arrow 0 below space fraction numerator 1 over denominator begin display style fraction numerator sin left parenthesis u right parenthesis over denominator u end fraction end style end fraction equals 1


En estos ejemplos se puede apreciar el alcance del método de cambio de variable y su ventaja con respecto a otros métodos estudiados. Hay un límite que no se resolvió y se asumió que su solución era uno; este límite es :

stack l i m space with straight u rightwards arrow 0 below space fraction numerator s i n left parenthesis straight u right parenthesis over denominator straight u end fraction equals 1


La resolución de este límite escapa al objetivo del curso. De todas formas será abordado en próximas lecciones, posiblemente casi al final del curso, por la complejidad de su resolución.

Levis Wilson Estevez

Licenciado en Fisica Nuclear.

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