

“Beside” funciona como preposición. A continuación analizamos su uso.


1.- Al lado de, junto a, muy cerca de

The cat sat beside her all night

I put the bed beside the wall

In the flight my son sat beside his friend

The house was built beside a park

The photograph shows an old church beside the roman bridge

The mother slept beside her little baby


The palace is beside the river


2.- Comparado con alguien / algo

My problems are insignificant beside your

This new film is a little bit boring beside the last one

The profits of this year don´t look very good beside last year’s one

Peter doesn`t look so fat beside his brother



1.- “Beside” vs “Next to”

Las dos preposiciones son sinónimas:

The dog walks beside / next to its owner

At the ceremony the Prime Minister stands beside / next to the Queen

There is a parking beside / next to the supermarket


2.- “Beside” vs “Close to” / “ Near to”

“Beside” significa “junto a” (adyacente) mientras que “Close to” / “Near to” significan “cerca de” pero no necesariamente “junto a”


The orange house is beside / next to the white house

The brown house is close to / near to the white house



1.- “Be beside the point”: No relacionado con el tema

That question you asked was beside the point

We should stick to the matter; the new proposition you make is beside the point

The things you are talking about are beside the point


2.- “Be beside yourself”: fuera de control (por enfado, nervios, estrés…)

The woman was beside herself after the accident

After the first interrogation the defendant was beside himself



No confundir “Beside” (preposición) con “Besides” (preposición / adverbio)

Beside: al lado de, junto

Besides: además de


Who went to the party besides you?

She has three cats besides two dogs

There was no one there besides me

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