Present simple: affirmative, 3rd person singular and plural - Exercises

Complete the following with appropiate forms of verbs from the boxes.

drive work sell teach ride


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1)My sister Chinese in school.
2)Marta in a Kindergarden.
3)James a taxi all day.
4)In the market they vegetables and fruits.
5)Tina horses in races.
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play type eat fly cook

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1)Jacobs the guitar very well.
2)Anna is secretary; she letters.
3)James a taxi all day.
4)In the market they vegetables and fruits.
5)Tina horses in races.
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listen read play rise make

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)Fernando to records every evening.
2)Carpenters chairs and tables.
3)Maria and the others university students a lot of books.
4)The sun in the East.
5)Messy football on Sunday afternoons.
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