Assessment 1: Business phone call

In this lesson, we are going to prepare you for Assessment 1: The business phone call. 

Good luck!


Preparation fos Assessment 1

A. Look at the picture of a meeting room and label the items.

Chairs/ Projector/ Screen/ TV/ Flip chart/ Refreshments/ Glasses/ Note pads


(doble click para ver las respuestas; un click vuelve a la posición original)



B. Here are a few questions that you might like to ask when ringing the hotel/meeting room organisers. Read the questions and put them into the correct order.

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1) you/ accommodate/ meeting/ 30/ rooms/ that / Do/ any/ people/have?
2)room / on / August / Is / 13th / the / available?
3) a / this / projector / Is / to / have / and / possible / in / room/ it / computer?
4) refreshments / tell / much / be / Could / me / how / light / would / you?
5) wheelchair / room / have / Does / access / the?
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Task — Assessment I (Business phone call)

You are the PA to the CEO of a Marketing firm. On Thursday 13th August, your company has a very important client meeting and your boss has asked you to arrange a meeting room for 30 people on this day. Call the Regency hotel and book a suitable meeting room. They have various options available but you need to make sure the room has:

  • A meeting table to seat 30 people
  • A projector and computer for different presentations
  • A flip chart
  • Light refreshments (water, hot drinks and snacks)
  • Wheelchair access

YOUR BUDGET IS £600. You must not spend more than this amount.

When you phone, explain the situation and ask about the above points.


Now make the telephone call.

Sonido 1

A. Fill the table below with the correct information. 


(doble click para ver las respuestas; un click vuelve a la posición original)




After the conversation

When you finish the conversation, choose a room. Which room have you chosen and why?






Now , listen to a model conversation and make notes on how you could have improved your own.







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