

Here is a photograph of some busy people.




  • What you can see in the photograph?

You have one minute to describe the picture.


Don’t forget to describe:

  • The people
  • What the people are doing
  • What you can see in the picture
  • The location of the picture


Answer the following questions.

  1. When are you busy?
  2. Do you enjoy being busy?
  3. Talk about the busiest time of your day? Week? Year?
  4. Say why you like or dislike being busy.



Look at the text in each question.

What does it say?

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.


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  1. Course starts Monday. It will run from 10-5pm every day except Friday when there’s no class.
  2. Julian, Can you give me a lift home from college tonight? I’ve got a late class and so I expect I’ll miss the last train. Wait for me in the main car park. Lourdes
  3. Dear Mum, We’re staying at a campsite tomorrow night after we’ve spent the day at the coast. Then, before we travel to the mountains, we’re going to spend two days at grandma’s house in the countryside. Pamela.
  4. Mr Watson is teaching this morning. Please return after lunch for a chat.
  5. Sara, Tony rang. You left your purse at his house. He’ll try and bring it here on his way to the university. Alex
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Grammar (Revision)

A. Read the paragraph. Add the, a, an or nothing (-) to the gaps.

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Last month, Terry took part in (1) football tournament. He’s (2) goal keeper for the team and so he had (3) very important job. The team played their first game and won. Terry saved (4) three goals and one penalty. The next game, they also won. They managed to get into (5) semi-final but unfortunately, they lost. They came third in (6) tournament.
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B. Read the timetable for Tanya’s job. Complete the job description with the correct verb in the correct tense.



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Tanya gets up at 5am every morning. At 05:30, a taxi (1) her from her house and takes her to the studio. She usually (2) at 6am. She (3) from 06:30 – 10:30 and she (4) any breaks. At 10:30, she (5) to the emails and text messages she received from listeners during the shop. An hour later, she (6) celebrities. It’s a tiring day as she (7) the studio until 1pm.
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A. Underline the correct adjective in each sentence.

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1)My friends were after the Art course.
2)They found the teacher so they complained.
3)We stayed at an hotel in France.
4)Tara is in modern art and wants to study it at university.
5)You’ll be when I tell you who I saw on Friday.
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D. Write five comparative sentences about the two capital cities.


Example sentences:

  • London has a greater population than Paris.
  • London is bigger than Paris.
  • Fewer people live in Paris than in London.
  • There are more airports in London than Paris.
  • It is more expensive to live in London than Paris.




Look at the six sentences for this part.

You will hear a conversation between a girl called Julia and her father, about choosing a holiday location.


Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose A. If it is incorrect, choose B.

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1)Julia wants to go on holiday as soon as possible.
2)Julia’s father thinks that going to Portugal may be boring.
3)Julia’s father believes Julia’s friend should go on holiday with them.
4)Julia’s father thinks that Julia might enjoy Greece as a holiday location.
5)Julia is confident that she doesn’t want to go to Japan this year.
6)Julia is keen to pay some money towards the holiday.
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Julia: Dad, I really need a holiday! I’ve had enough of studying.

Dad: I know, but you can’t go for a while.

Julia: I know, I don’t want to go today, but definitely next month when the exams finish.

Dad: That sounds like a plan. But, you need to decide where you want to go and then I can book it.

Julia: Well, lots of my friends think Portugal is a great place to go and relax.

Dad: Yes, but we want to go away for three weeks and there’s not much to do when you get there.

Julia: I guess.

Dad: Where are Lucy and Tam going?

Julia: Tam’s going to Mexico and Lucy can’t go anywhere because her parents have to work all summer.

Dad: That’s a real shame. She needs a holiday like you. You can invite her to come with us if you like.

Julia: She’d love that. Thanks dad, you’re the best.

Dad: You’re welcome. So, let’s think of other destinations. We’ve been to Greece and you didn’t really appreciate that. We’ve been to Hong Kong and you loved that. So, hhhm, what about Japan?

Julia: Really? That’s an expensive holiday but I would absolutely love to go, and this year would be ideal. Next year, I start university and so I probably won’t have money to go on holiday.

Dad: Well, this year I’m treating you. You’re finishing school and you’re turning 18. Next year, you can pay yourself. But, if Lucy comes, she’ll have to pay for herself.

Julia: Dad, you’re the best. I don’t have a lot of money at the moment so I better start saving for some spending money. I know I’m going to want to buy everything when I get there.

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